Usability Investigation on the Localization of Text CAPTCHAs:

Take Chinese Characters as a Case Study




  • Junnan Yu, Xuna Ma and Ting Han, "Usability Investigation on the Localization of Text CAPTCHAs: Take Chinese Characters as a Case Study ", Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering | Volume 5: Transdisciplinary Engineering: A Paradigm Shift - Proceedings of the 24th ISPE Inc. International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering, July 10-14, 2017
  • SCI. Has been ACCEPTED for oral presentation.


Text CAPTCHA has been an effective means to protect online systems from malicious attacks. However, nearly all the Text CAPTCHA designs are based on English characters, which may not be the most user-friendly option for non-English speakers. Therefore, there is an increasing interest in designing local-language CAPTCHAs, which are expected to be more usable for native speakers. However, systematic studies on the usability of localized CAPTCHAs are rare, and a general procedure for the design of usable localized CAPTCHA is still unavailable. Here, we comprehensively explored the design of CAPTCHAs based on Chinese characters from a usability perspective: a usability comparison of CAPTCHAs based on Chinese and English characters, then the evaluation of intrinsic design factors of Chinese CAPTCHAs. It’s found that Chinese CAPTCHAs can be equally usable comparing with alphanumeric ones. Meanwhile, guidelines for designing usable Chinese CAPTCHAs are also presented. Those design practices are further summarized as a general procedure which is expected to be applicable for the design of CAPTCHAs based on other languages.


Usability Investigation on the Localization of Text CAPTCHAs: Take Chinese Characters as a Case Study


Junnan Yu

Usability Comparison of Text CAPTCHAS Based on English and Chinese




  • Junnan Yu, Xuna Ma and Ting Han, "Usability Comparison of Text CAPTCHAS Based on English and Chinese" in Proceedings of HCI International 2016: Cross-Cultural Design of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9741, pp. 130-138, Springer Publishing 2016.
  • EI. Has been ACCEPTED for oral presentation.


Text CAPTCHAs are widely deployed in nowadays for websites to defend malicious attacks. Although most text CAPTCHAs employ alphanumeric characters, there are emerging interests in designing CAPTCHAs based on regional languages. Here, we conducted experiments to compare the usability of CAPTCHAs based on English and Chinese. The results indicate that, comparing with CAPTCHAs that employ random English or Chinese characters, those based on frequently-used English or Chinese words provide the best usability in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and satisfactory for participants who are native Chinese speakers while familiar with English. CAPTCHAs based on random Chinese characters, however, is least user-friendly from a comprehensive perspective. The evaluation method and results presented here may shine a light for the design of CAPTCHAs that employ characters other than alphanumeric.


Usability Comparison of Text CAPTCHAs Based on English and Chinese


Junnan Yu